What Financial Marketers Can Learn From Retail

The case studies of the future will look back at the pandemic as a time when businesses were forced to adapt to customer needs more swiftly than ever before, and no industry has demonstrated this more nimbly than retail. As shoppers moved online, retailers quickly found ways to give customers a more personalized experience that ...
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How Personalized Offers Can Heal Healthcare Workers—and Your Brand

Last spring, communities around the globe joined together every night to applaud, ring bells, and show appreciation for the hardworking healthcare professionals that were facing the unprecedented crisis of covid-19. Brands joined in, with many social media posts proclaiming solidarity and thanks for frontline workers.  Nearly a year later, those nightly cheers are a distant ...
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Financial Marketer’s Digital Acquisition Game Plan for 2021

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The pandemic has moved all things digital to center court and changed the rules of the game. Financial marketers responded by pivoting their  acquisition strategies, and 2021 promises to move digital transformation into a whole new league. The call is for financial marketers to think outside the box and start speaking to consumers in a ...
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Adweek Webinar Highlights How Rothy’s Used Its Current Customers to Acquire New Ones

Acquiring customers is especially difficult right now. For Rothy’s, a direct-to-consumer shoe company with a whole-brand approach to sustainability, that’s no different. When the economy took a turn and consumer spending began to drop, many brands made a knee-jerk reaction, running promotions and super-sales. Not Rothy’s, though. They didn’t want to dilute their brand’s perceived ...
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Building Consumer Trust: How to Turn Data Privacy into a Marketing Advantage

Had the authors of the US Declaration of Independence seen our day, they may have added data privacy to the list of “unalienable rights”—and for good reason. Every online interaction leaves a digital footprint of who you are, and this data is often tracked, collected, and sold without our knowledge or explicit consent.  Brands that ...
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4 Key Takeaways from Adweek Elevate: Commerce

Adweek recently wrapped Elevate: Commerce. The virtual event offers six sessions focused on how marketers can effectively respond to the most pressing issues they face in today’s rapidly evolving economy, particularly in the wake of the coronavirus health crisis. Here are four great pieces of advice we took away: 01 Prioritize the Health of Customer ...
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CommerceNext Webinar Recap: 4 Ways That Retailers Can Adapt During COVID-19

The pandemic has led nearly every brand to make some kind of operational changes or strategic shifts. It’s also created widespread economic uncertainty that has radically reduced consumer spending, and retailers feel it. To help marketers respond more effectively, CommerceNext hosted a webinar highlighting ways that leading retailers are using AI, consumer data, and personalization ...
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How Cause Marketing Can Help You Grow Your Business

Former British prime minister Winston Churchill said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Today’s brands know that making a profit is not enough. They want to make a difference, not only to succeed financially but to leave the world a better place. It’s no ...
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How to Connect with Customers through Emotional Marketing

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“The thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat.” This classic line in ABC’s Wide World of Sports opener promised viewers an emotional roller coaster as they watched the “human drama of athletic competition” unfold.  These kinds of visceral experiences are at the heart of emotional marketing, a strategy brands use to connect with their ...
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How a Personalized Offer to Nurses Brought in 8,000 New Customers

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Nurses deserve our support—now more than ever—and leading brands like The North Face are giving them personalized offers to say thank you. Honoring nurses is a smart marketing strategy because it supports people we count on and helps brands acquire new customers. When CheapCaribbean launched its personalized offer to nurses, it had 2x engagement, received ...
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