4 Reasons Not to Share Your Verification Data with Affiliates

First-party data is arguably the best data most companies can get their hands on, and when that data is verified as accurate, it’s invaluable. One of the most ideal ways to collect verified, first-party data is through gated, exclusive offers. For example, you can post an exclusive student offer, require students to share their first-party ...
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Gather High-Quality Data, Improve the Customer Experience

Gather zero-party data while also improving the user experience.
The original version of this piece appeared as a Retail Customer Experience post. With increasing demands for stricter data privacy, marketers are tasked with adjusting their data collection practices accordingly. Rather than defaulting to third-party data, brands need to prioritize zero-party data that customers willingly hand over. But how do you convince customers to share ...
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A New Way of Collecting Consumer Data

Update your marketing strategy for a cookieless world.
The original version of this piece appeared as a Martech Series post. With stricter regulations in place and greater consumer demand for less invasive data gathering practices, data collection is changing and marketers need to adjust their strategies to keep up. Having access to consumer data benefits you, the marketer, but it also needs to ...
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Is Invited Personalization the Future of Cookieless Marketing?

Marketers need to adjust their strategies for a cookieless world.
This piece originally appeared as a Digital Commerce 360 piece. Data gathered directly from consumers allows retailers to understand them on a deeper level, including such aspects of their identity as their life stage, the social or workgroups they belong to and their professions. Google’s recent announcement that it won’t allow cookie-based tracking in Chrome ...
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Why ASICS and Other DTC Retailers are Turning to Zero-Party Data

Brands like ASICS are using zero-party data to their advantage.
This piece originally appeared as a Retail Touchpoints post. Google’s announcement earlier this year regarding “Topics” — its more privacy-sensitive solution to FLoC, or Federated Learning of Cohorts — shouldn’t be a surprise for any retailer following trends in digital marketing. The company’s move to become more privacy-compliant falls squarely in line with where everything is going. ...
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3 Ways to Leverage Zero-party Data

Make the most of your zero-party data.
This piece originally appeared as a Forbes post. It is now common to tout the importance of collecting zero-party data. This information, which consumers knowingly and proactively provide brands in exchange for value, powers privacy-safe marketing strategies and is generally more accurate than probabilistic, often cobbled-together third-party datasets. But how do brands and retailers that ...
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4 Steps Retailers Can Take to Market Themselves in a Recession

Don't slash your marketing budget during a recession.
This piece originally appeared as a Retail Touchpoints post. Marketing is often first on the chopping block during a recession, and with GDP contracting two quarters in a row, retail marketers are working hard to determine how to make each dollar go further. Many organizations will cut marketing spend in a bid to preserve margins. ...
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Marketers: It’s Time to Offer Customers Real Value if You Want Their Data

Offer customers something of value in exchange for their data.
This piece originally appeared as a Spiceworks post. As marketers stare at the eventual demise of third-party cookies, they are looking at zero-party data as an alternative. But how do they convince customers that sharing their valuable data is worth it? Here, Jake Weatherly, CEO, SheerID, uncovers three ways marketers can incentivize consumers to share ...
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How Marketers Can Gather Zero-Party Data Through Promotions

Gather zero-party data to keep customers engaged.
This piece originally appeared as a TotalRetail post. Deal-based marketing has often been associated with competing for customers based on the lowest possible price point. Traditionally brands that needed to sell products or tickets in a hurry partnered with deals sites to move these items at a large discount. However, this model doesn't maximize the ...
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How Zero-Party Data Improves on the Promise of First-Party Data

Your team should be prioritizing zero-party data.
This piece originally appeared as a TotalRetail post. Privacy changes have forced marketers to consider how they can consensually obtain consumer data, inspiring debate over whether zero-party data exists and how it differs from first-party data. While first-party data refers to information brands collect directly from consumers, zero-party data, as defined by Forrester, refers to information ...
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